About me

My name is Valentin. I recently spent a year living in Melbourne, Australia, and have just moved back to Vancouver, the beautiful west coast Canadian city that I grew up in. I was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I am 26 years old. This website is dedicated to my love of travel. I also run an Instagram page, and a YouTube channel, ValentinVentures, to take you along with me. I play the dombyra, a traditional Kazakh instrument for which I am famous in the mother country, also thanks to YouTube. I love music. Listening, learning, playing and composing. Having spent most of my life near the mountains, I am an avid snowboarder. I work in telecommunications sales and I’ve also worked in marketing and communication, for major companies like the Vancouver International Airport, Samsung, Diageo and others. I am a self-professed language nerd. I speak five languages with varying degrees of fluency and can hold a broken conversation in a few others. As the title suggests, this website is dedicated to the adventures I take, be it around the globe or in my own beautiful British Columbian backyard.

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